International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Healthcare

For Emergency :

2015 International Conference on Substantial Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (SEERE-15)Jan. 13-14, 2015 Abu Dhabi (UAE) Back

ISBN 978-93-84468-15-6


Front Page
Table of Contents

Sr.No.Paper Title & Author(s)Page No.
1Harnessing Waves Energy in South Coasts of Iran
RaminVafaei Poursorkhabi, Alireza Naseri, and Arash dalili osgouei
2Efficient Heat Demand and Solar Air Collector Heat Supply Estimation Using 3D Geospatial Information
Azarakhsh Rafiee, Steven Fruijtier, Eduardo Dias, and Henk Scholten
3Multiple-Input Converter with Neural and Fuzzy Control as Power Conditioner For Fuel Cell Based Grid Interactive Power Supply
S.Saravanan, and Rekha.U.S
4Interleaved boost converter with Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic System
Sheik Mohammed S, and Devaraj D
5Partial Purification of Bacterial Lipase to Be Further Used In Biofuel Production as a Renewable Energy Source
Zeynab Amini, Hoora Mazaheri, and Ong Hwai Chyuan
6Assessment of Floating Offshore Wind Farm in Korea
Sung Hyun Hwang, and Hong Jin Kim
7Dynamics of the Water in the Loop Micro-Hydropower Plants
Azhumakan Zhamalovich Zhamalov, Murat Merkebekovich Kunelbayev, Issaev Sapar Auezbekovich, and Tugelbayeva Gulnazia Tugelbayevna

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